Practical Life-Changing Course

Discover Limiting Beliefs that are in the way of building bridges and bliss

Improved Communication and gained clairity in relationship building

Enhanced Relationships through strategic planning and problem-solving strategies

For Blended Families Seeking Better Relationships

And A Peaceful Household.

Tame Fears, Stress, and Anxiety.

Discovering How To Re-Connect Through Communication, Understanding, and Respect To Create

A Peaceful Household

Enjoy Your Family, Enriching Your Relationships, And Create The Family Of Your Dreams


Unable to experience peace in the home and with family. Is the lack of communication resulting in disagreements, raised voices, and judgment? Re-discover yourself and your family, and find the super powers you and each family member possess.


Difficulty finding a pathway forward can be a struggle for everyone. Are there biases, parenting style differences, or baggage from previous relationships? Identifying limiting beliefs will help my clients uncover hidden beliefs affecting behaviors. 

Understanding beliefs and perspectives reduces conflict.


Fears of not being enough, low confidence and low self-esteem can be felt by everyone in the family, creating doubt, lack of self-compassion, and limited support in the household. Finding your voice and building resilience starts positive momentum. You will be amazed at the results.

We will dive into deep exploration through exercises, challenges,
and accountability targeted to your unique needs.

Build Communication Bridges

Everyone wants to be seen, heard, and understood. Strained relationships with your children, husband, and self ensure no peace at home, and the lack of healthy communication methods is making things worse. Solve this problem by uncovering the root causes of the situation and communicating it in a manner that helps design an effective and wholesome win-win solution.

Creating A Happy Future

Uncovering the strengths of each family member can be challenging. By identifying and overcoming limiting beliefs, families can set meaningful goals and envision a happier future tailored to each individual's strengths and aspirations.

Foster Resilience and Banish Negativity

Foster Resilience, Banish Negativity: Overcome the drowning fears, negativity, and low self-esteem impacting your family. Empowering you to find your voice, support each other, and cultivate optimism. Mindset shifts create positive perspectives and environments.

​ Blended Family Bliss

Outcomes and Module Descriptions

Discover the benefits of utilizing our techniques and processes.


  • Define the scope of the relationship problems that have developed between you, your family.

  • Uncover the root causes of the deteriorating or unstable relationship with your children, and spouse.

  • Gain clarity on the consequences of not solving the problems.


It’s almost impossible to solve a problem before you define it and without first knowing the cause. In this foundational module, you will become a detective and investigate to uncover the root causes for the deteriorating relationship while identifying beliefs you all can agree upon.

Module Two

Interactive Listening Tool


  • Envision what happiness looks like for you and those around you.

  • Set measurable goals for achieving that happiness

  • Define how every family member and co-workers sees. success.


When envisioning how you see the future happiness, it’s important to think about what success looks like for you. Remember, the most important thing in setting goals is to be meaningful and achievable for your and others, and to work together to make them a reality. How do you envision your happiness?

Module Three

Understanding The Judge


  • Identify patterns and how situations are viewed

  • Discover how the Judge impacts, self, others, and curcumstance​.

  • Explore new strategies to redirect the judge when situations arise.


Meet 10 Interrupters who are often seen as significant assets, but can cause great stress and disruption. Investigate how they become the greatest saboteurs. In this section, we focus on the master interrupter, the judge.

Module Four

Finding Your Super Power


  • Realize the strength we acquire from what we perceived as tragedy and find your gift through past struggles.

  • Identify patterns that were imprinted by others and determine whether or not they serve you well now.

  • Uncover life experiences and influences that have affected your life so you can be able to see the hero you have become by having been through the experience​.


Find your inner hero by discovering the factors that have shaped who you are. Dig into eight key influences on your life and discover how they can help you to unlock your power, make better decisions, and be happier with yourself.

Module Five

Discovering Limiting Beliefs


  • Identify beliefs that you once held to be something thought to be unachievable.

  • Uncover beliefs where you and your family differ.

  • Understand how misalignment of beliefs creates conflict so that we know where to focus​.


In this module you will uncover the gaps that exist between where you are. Our beliefs are formed at a young age by parents and teachers and we either hold those beliefs for life or begin to question them based on our experiences. In this module, you and your family will explore your beliefs and re-examine questioned beliefs they originally learned, just as you may have questioned beliefs as you grew older.

Module Six

The Power of Planning


  • Plan for success. Master how to reframe negative perspectives to create positive.

  • Open possibilities that lead to more joy.

  • Discover the power visualization and the unconscious mind and how it looks for whatever we tell it to see.


Small changes can change your life. You will discover the habits that successful people have adopted to achieve greatness. You will learn how to open up new possibilities that can lead to more joy, fulfillment, and success in all areas of your life, when things are going great – or when they’re falling apart.

Module Seven

Conflict Resolution


    • Identify your win-win solutions

    • Understand how and what we think allows the Interrupters to saboutage and create unhappiness and negativity.

    • Discover how to limit and control negitive thoughts.​


This section aims to help you learn how to identify and control the Interrupters in your thoughts. By learning and understanding their identity and using regulation techniques and brain pathway-building exercises, you can disempower the Interrupters that sabotage success, live more peacefully, and enjoy wins in every area of your life.

Module Eight

Building Resilience


  • Discover the Greatest Super Powers for inner happiness and a positive outlook.

  • Learn how to disempower each Interrupters. Techniques to ground and re-focus.

  • Develop awareness and empathy toward self and others​


Learn how to replace your Interupters using the Super Powers tools to live more peacefully and enjoy success in every area of your life.

Resilience: The journey and result of effectively adjusting to challenging life situations, mind, emotional, and behavioral flexibility, and adaptability to external and internal pressures. Often, outside pressures influence how individuals navigate hardships, such as their perspectives on the world, their support systems, and the coping techniques they practice.

Module Nine

Rewrite Your Story


  • Create a roadmap for your future that takes you to your vision.

  • Schedule times during each week to implement everything you have learned so far.

  • Establish milestones that will measure you progress to success


Start to rewrite your story today. Don’t keep living in the past, see your vision, see what you want for your future, and then make it happen by taking steps towards that goal. You are the star of your movie, you get to pick the extras in your movie. There is always a choice.


Live Your Story - What' Next?


  • Gain certainty that you are implementing your action plan steps correctly.

  • Learn how to overcome obstacles that may arise.

  • Receive accountability support to keep you committed and moving forward


Celebrate! Now it’s time to implement your action plan and start living your new story. You won’t have to do this alone. I’ll be with you to provide one weekly check-in call for the next three weeks to make sure you get off to a good start and have all the support you need to create the happy relationship with your teen that you desire.

Quick Summary Of Topics

Course Description: Modules

The Course, Blended Family Bliss, highlights the advantages of conquering what stands in the way of your success with your Family, Spouse, Children.

Ignite your life and happiness while creating a vision for success

  • Module 1- Finding Common Ground: Where Are You Now And Why?

  • Module 2- Interactive Listening Tool

  • Module 3- Understanding The Judge

  • Module 4- Finding Your Super Power

  • Module 5- Discovering Limiting Beliefs: What's holding you back?

  • Module 6- The Power of Planning Teamwork

  • Module 7- Conflict Resolution

  • Module 8- Rewrite Your Story

  • Bonus: Live Your Story! What's Next? Ongoing Support & Follow-ups On Your Progress

  • Celebrate!

What will you learn on this course?

Nine weeks of life-changing personal attention, focusing on bringing understanding, communication and connection back to your family!

Watch the video and find out the essence in 90 seconds

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